egg collective

{I N S P I R E D} Designing Women: Open May 1-26 by Eileen Boyd

I can't tell you how consistently inspired I am by my creative peers who challenge me to dig deeper and design fearlessly everyday. And the latest collaborative exhibition of all-women design rockstars has me so excited to spread positive vibes and girl pride! 

The women of Egg Collective have come together to host a benefit expressing true girl power through the varied works of female artists and designers. The girl trio behind Egg Collective has always been focused on female empowerment, collaboration, and camaraderie. And, in that vein, they had the genius idea of putting together a show that unites the top female designers and artists operating in NYC to support the Girls, INC NYC foundation, which empowers young women to be our future leaders. The show is called Designing Women and is currently on display through May 26th at Egg Collectives Hudson Street Showroom.

Bravo ladies! This is one spectacular show!